Saturday, February 25, 2012

Math Course for Elementary School - UN SD

In addition to helping students achieve great success, elementary schools have to help keep them from getting lost in the shuffle. It's not unusual at all for several students in one classroom to experience trouble with mathematics. That is why nearly every school has an elementary math intervention program in place. There are many instructional ways to address a student's difficulties with math, and Response to Intervention efforts are excellent options. However, many educators are turning to well-designed online math games to make the process more streamlined, effective and efficient. Read below to find out how these special math games are bolstering educators' efforts to help struggling math students.

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Math Courses View | Download

Courses Solutions View | Download

Differentiated Instruction
It's been a known fact for some time that certain teaching methods just don't click with certain students. How is a teacher supposed to meet the specialized needs of twenty or thirty different students, though? Furthermore, how can an elementary math intervention program be effective if it doesn't address a student's unique problems and needs? One way to get around the problem is by turning to specialized online math games. The best games offer differentiated instruction that assesses a student's weaknesses and strengths and adapts game play accordingly. These games have been shown to make a profound difference for students who are having a hard time with mathematics.

The Benefits of Adaptive Learning
In addition to assessing a student's strengths and weaknesses, a high-quality online math game will adapt according to those things. If a student is experiencing problems with a specific mathematical concept, for example, this type of game will present problems and scenarios that improve confidence and provide alternative ways for a student to arrive at the right answer. If one method doesn't work, this type of game can present different options for the student to consider.

Virtual Manipulatives
At the elementary-school level, students often struggle with understanding basic math concepts. Well-designed online math games incorporate virtual manipulatives that can make a major different. In this situation, a student is able to virtually manipulate objects to form a clearer understanding of a basic math concept. This approach is recommended for a successful elementary math intervention program, but it isn't always easy to achieve in a classroom setting. The right game can provide a unique opportunity to teach a student in a whole new way.

The goal of a well-executed elementary math program is to prevent students from failing or from falling too far behind in their mathematical studies. If students are allowed to move up to higher grades without gaining a clear understanding of math fundamentals, they could be in for trouble throughout the rest of their school careers. There are many advantages to including online math games in the classroom. They don't have to be strictly used for struggling students, but they definitely provide unique benefits in that regard. Jim Wheelin writes about many different educational topics for parents, kids and teachers. He has helped many struggling students to find the best elementary math intervention program to meet their needs. Jim also encourages other to test educational games such as the ones offered at Maybe useful!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Bank Soal Matematika Ujian Nasional

Mata pelajaran matematika yang diujikan pada Ujian Nasional biasanya dianggap sebagai mata pelajaran yang paling menyulitkan. Umumnya Matematika selalu menjadi mata pelajaran yang paling "menakutkan" bagi sebagian pelajar sekolah, Apakah benar demikian dalam UN? Ternyata ada sebagian pelajar yang tidak takut matematika justru beranggapan bahwa pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia lebih sulit daripada matematika. Memang mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia yang terkadang dianggap mudah itu justru mampu membuat sebagian siswa SMA kerepotan saat mengerjakannya.
Sebaiknya cap "menakutkan" terhadap pelajaran Matematika, sedikit demi sedikit kita hilangkan. Pelajaran hitung-menghitung ini bisa dibuat menyenangkan. Nah untuk membantu para siswa/guru dalam rangka persiapan Ujian nasional tahun 2013 sebagai bahan perbandingan, kami sampaikan Soal-soal dan Pembahasan Matematika Ujian Nasional asli lho, semoga bermanfaat.

Soal Matematika UN SD/MI dan Pembahasannya

  1. Soal Matematika UN SD/MI Tahun 2010
  2. Soal Matematika UN SD/MI Tahun 2011

Silakan boleh Anda view dan download disini

Soal Matematika UN SMP/MTs dan Pembahasannya

  1. Soal Matematika UN SMP/MTs Tahun 2010
  2. Soal Matematika UN SMP/MTs Tahun 2011

Silakan boleh Anda view dan download disini

Soal Matematika UN SMK dan Pembahasannya

  1. Soal Matematika UN SMK Tahun 2010
  2. Mohon maaf untuk soal UN SMK tahun 2011 belum kami terbitkan.

Silakan boleh Anda view dan download disini

Soal Matematika UN SMA/MA dan Pembahasannya

  1. Soal Matematika UN SMA/MA Tahun 2010
  2. Soal Matematika UN SMA/MA Tahun 2011

Silakan boleh Anda view dan download disini

Menurut para ahli pelajaran matematika terasa menyenangkan ketika seseorang mengerjakan soal-soal Matematika dalam waktu yang cukup lama. Larut dalam keasyikan sehingga membuat seseorang cenderung tak ingin diganggu. Salah satunya dengan menggunakan alat peraga.
Bagi mereka yang sudah menemukan keasyikan Matematika, pasti akan mengerjakan ribuan soal, seperti tidak mengerjakannya

Download Soal Matematika UN SD

National Standardization Agency of Education (BSNP) Teuku Ramli Zakaria asserts, there was no change in the schedule of the National Exam 2012. Implementation of national primary school exams (UN-SD) remains on the schedule already decided which will be held on 7-9 May 2012, and subsequent examination will be held on 14-16 May 2012. While the subjects tested there was no change from previous years that Indonesian, Math, and Science (IPA). For the preparation of the National Examination SD / MI students / i where ever you are, we provide one of the Math assessment models made ​​by the teachers / instructors who are competent in their field of mathematics. Thank you, may you succeed the National Exam! Amen!

Soal Matematika UN SD/MI 2010

Paket 1 : View | Download

Paket 2 : View | Download

Soal Matematika UN SD/MI 2011

View | Download Hopefully math problems and solutions can help students in the context of UN SD 2013!

Note: the "view" you can read online without having to download it. If you download it make sure there is a program on your computer Adobe Acrobat Reader, if you do not have it you can download it here: Download Adobe Reader X (10.1.1) (64.69 MB)

Download Soal Matematika UN SMK

National Standardization Agency of Education (BSNP) Teuku Ramli Zakaria asserts, there was no change in the schedule of the National Exam 2012. Implementation of the national vocational exams were still on the schedule that has been decided that the UN was held at SMK will begin April 16 to 18, 2012, and subsequent examination will be held on 23-25 ​​April 2012. UN to the SMA / MA will begin to be held on April 16 to 19, 2012, and subsequent examination will be held on April 23 to 26. Exam preparation for the National Vocational students / i where ever you are, we provide one of the Math assessment models made ​​by the teachers / instructors who are competent in their field of mathematics. Thank you, may you succeed the National Exam! Amen!

Soal Matematika UN SMK 2010

View | Download Hopefully math problems and solutions can help students in the context of UN SMK 2013!

Note: the "view" you can read online without having to download it. If you download it make sure there is a program on your computer Adobe Acrobat Reader, if you do not have it you can download it here: Download Adobe Reader X (10.1.1) (64.69 MB)

Download Soal Matematika UN SMP

National Standardization Agency of Education (BSNP) Teuku Ramli Zakaria asserts, there was no change in the schedule of the National Exam 2012. SMP implementation of national examinations was still on the schedule that has been decided that the UN will be held on April 23 to 26, 2012, and subsequent examination will take place on 30 to 4 May 2012. As for the level of SD / MI / SDLB UN will be held on 7-9 May 2012, and subsequent examination will be held on 14-16 May 2012. UN to the level of SMA / MA. For the National Exam preparation SMP / MTs students / i where ever you are, we provide one of the Math assessment models made ​​by the teachers / instructors who are competent in their field of mathematics. Thank you, may you succeed the National Exam! Amen!

Soal Matematika UN SMP/MTs 2010

Paket A : View | Download

Paket B : View | Download

Soal Matematika UN SMP/MTs 2011

View | Download
Hopefully math problems and solutions can help students in the context of UN SMP 2013!
Note: the "view" you can read online without having to download it. If you download it make sure there is a program on your computer Adobe Acrobat Reader, if you do not have it you can download it here: Download Adobe Reader X (10.1.1) (64.69 MB)

Download Soal Matematika UN SMA

National Standardization Agency of Education (BSNP) Teuku Ramli Zakaria asserts, there was no change in the schedule of the National Exam 2012. Implementation of national examinations remain on the schedule that has been decided that for the UN SMA / MA will begin to be held on April 16 to 19, 2012, and subsequent examination will be held on April 23 to 26. UN to the CMS will begin to be held on April 16 to 18, 2012, and subsequent examination will be held on 23-25 ​​April. For the National Exam preparation SMA / MA students / i where ever you are, we provide one of the Math assessment models made ​​by the teacher / instructor of mathematics who are competent in their field. Thank you, may you succeed the National Exam! Amen!

Soal Matematika UN SMA/MA 2010
Program IPA : View | Download
Program IPS : View | Download

Soal Matematika UN SMA/MA 2011
Program IPA : View | Download
Program IPS : View | Download Hopefully math problems and solutions can help students in the context of UN SMA 2013!

Note: the "view" you can read online without having to download it. If you download it make sure there is a program on your computer Adobe Acrobat Reader, if you do not have it you can download it here: Download Adobe Reader X (10.1.1) (64.69 MB)

Bank Soal (Ujian Tulis) © 2011 Grade science & World Sharings. Supported by Google docs viewer

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