Monday, August 8, 2011

Latihan Soal UN SMK 2012 Matematika Teknik

In Charlotte, North Carolina, the Charlotte-Mecklenburg School District has made drastic changes to their math curriculum. When their test scores were not improving my much more than three percent, the school district decided to implement Texas Instruments' MathForward program to help students with their math skills. The MathForward program helps to increase algebra readiness and math performance in middle school students.
The program is a comprehensive approach to math reform, it increases the instructional time, which allows students to memorize formulas better and study longer. This helps students a lot because with a subject like math, because math is a subject that requires a lot of study time and class time to fully understand the concepts of math. If a student merely memorizes the math formulas in a one-hour classroom setting, they wont retain the information and that's what this program is trying to do, They want students to retain information for long time use, instead of memorizing just for the upcoming test. Schools want students to do well on their standardized tests, which will help improve the schools ratings. By helping this students retain the math knowledge, not only will it help Improve the schools ratings, but it will help the students to be better prepared for math courses they take in high school and college down the road.

Another way that MathForward helps increase students test score is by increasing the teacher's knowledge in the subject. They create special math trainings for teachers on new ways to teach math and new math lessons that will be beneficial to teaching the students. By giving the teachers continuous coaching and classes that helps develop their effective teaching skills, students will benefit and feel more confident in their knowledge of the math subject, since the teachers that are teaching it are extremely knowledgeable on the subject.

Matematika Problem For UN SMK Teknik

  1. Download Drill of UN Exam, Download Solutions

They are also using technology to motivate the students by creating programs along with MathForward to assist students in math. The students will be more focused and interested when technology is introduced because it is something new and something that will help break up the monotonous subject of math. They will also have administrators and parents involved in backing up the MathForward program to help credit the program and give the students confidence that this program really can help them. By implementing this program into the schools their test scores rose an astounding thirty-five percent, opposed to the three percent from before with just the normal math program. In schools that didn't implement the MathForward program, they will definitely be implementing it during the following year. They are also adding forty math teachers to the district to keep up with the high demand of math teacher that the program calls for.

Latihan Soal Cpns 2012

Seleksi Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) untuk tahun 2012 berdasarkan keketapan Resmi Kemenpan tetap diadakan dengan formasi atau kuota sekitar sekitar 200 Ribu orang. Besaran kuota CPNS yang ditetapkan tersebut hampir sama dengan tahun 2010 lalu atau sekitar 200 ribu PNS. Menteri PAN dan RB, EE Mangindaan mengatakan, dari jumlah itu akan ikut direkrut para honorer daerah.
Diharapkan 2012 mendatang penerimaan CPNS sudah akan masuk pada zero growth. Itu dapat dilakukan bila para honorer daerah sudah terakomodir semuanya.

Perhelatan Akbar Tes Cpns 2011 dikabarkan Penerimaannya bakal digelar bulan September 2011, akan tetapi ada kabr juga bahwa (bisa-bisa) penerimaan dipundurkan ke awal 2012. Karena itu, Kemenpan mengharapkan agar seluruh instansi baik pusat maupun daerah diharapkan sudah bisa menyiapkan estimasi rincian formasi kebutuhan CPNS. Hal ini dimaksudkan agar target jadwal penerimaan CPNS bisa terealisasi. Kami pun para pengelola situs menyarankan kepada para peserta Seleksi CPns agar mempersiapkan diri sebaiknya baik persiapan latihan Soal maupun adminsitratif lainnya. Tim kami dengan bangga memberikan pelatihan soal yang sangat baik untuk persiapan seleksi Cpns 2012. Latihan Soal Cpns 2011 ini untuk sementara terdiri dari 5 (lima) mata ujian yang terdiri dari :

Bahasa Indonesia

Kami berikan 2 (dua) paket soal dan pembahasannya yang berisi sekitar 100 (soal) latihan. Selengkapnya bisa Anda download dan pelajari disini silakan!

Tes Bakat Skolastik

Kami berikan 2 (dua) paket soal dan pembahasannya yang berisi sekitar 100 (soal) latihan. Selengkapnya bisa Anda download dan pelajari disini silakan!

Bahasa Inggris

Kami berikan 2 (dua) paket soal dan pembahasannya yang berisi sekitar 100 (soal) latihan. Selengkapnya bisa Anda download dan pelajari disini silakan!

Tes Kemampuan Umum

Kami berikan 2 (dua) paket soal dan pembahasannya yang berisi sekitar 100 (soal) latihan. Selengkapnya bisa Anda download dan pelajari disini silakan!

Tes psikologi

Kami berikan 2 (dua) paket soal dan pembahasannya yang berisi sekitar 50 (soal) latihan. Selengkapnya bisa Anda download dan pelajari disini silakan!

Materi Latihan Soal Cpns 2012 berusaha kami sesuaikan dengan peraturan yang tertuang dalam Pasal 21 ayat 4 RUU tentang Pokok-pokok Kepegawaian Negara. Disebutkan juga dalam tes seleksi CPNS terdiri dari dua tahap, yaitu yang bersifat umum dan khusus.

Menurut keterangan Humas BKN tersebut bahwa materi tes seleksi yang bersifat umum terdiri dari :

  • Materi bahasa Indonesia,

  • Bahasa Inggris,

  • Tes psikologi, dan

  • Tes potensi akademik.

Untuk direnungkan

DPRD Kota Batu mencium adanya jual beli kursi Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) yang diperuntukkan bagi Guru Tidak Tetap (GTT). Dari informasi yang didengar anggota legislatif, setiap GTT harus menyiapkan uang minimal Rp 20 juta bila ingin diangkat menjadi CPNS pada 2012 nanti.

“Saya mendengar informasi itu dari beberapa GTT yang diminta menyiapkan uang bila ingin menjadi CPNS,” kata Hely Suyanto, Sekretaris Komisi A DPRD Kota Batu, Selasa (26/7). Sayangnya, dia enggan menyebutkan siapa GTT yang memberinya informasi tersebut.

Awalnya, Pemkot Batu diminta untuk tidak membuka rekrutmen CPNS formasi umum pada tahun depan. Karena, jumlah pegawai di lingkungan pemkot dianggap sudah terlalu banyak. Jumlah pegawainya secara keseluruhan yang sudah berstatus PNS lebih dari 6 ribu pegawai.

Sementara untuk GTT menurut Hely, berdasarkan data 2009 terdapat 1.200 GTT. Juga terdapat 560 tenaga honorer daerah yang tidak bisa diangkat menjadi CPNS. Hely menambahkan, karena masih banyaknya persoalan kepegawaian itulah maka pemkot diminta tidak membuka CPNS 2012 melalui formasi umum.

“Untuk GTT, diupayakan ada jalur khusus untuk pengangkatannya dan diberi kuota 40 kursi untuk tahun depan. Dalam waktu dekat kami akan menemui Komisi II DPR RI untuk mengkonsultasikan payung hukumnya,” kata Hely.

Upaya pemberian kuota jalur khusus untuk 40 GTT inilah yang ditengarai rawan dengan aksi jual beli. “Beredar informasi di kalangan GTT siapa saja bisa menjadi PNS asal menyiapkan uang Rp 20 juta,” papar Hely.

Dia berharap seluruh GTT tidak gegabah dan mau memberikan uang yang diminta oleh oknum tertentu. “Kami kesulitan untuk menemukan bukti, tapi memang ada guru yang dimintai uang, silakan melapor ke kami,” kata Hely.

Secara terpisah, Ketua Ikatan Guru Tidak Tetap dan Pegawai Tidak Tetap (IGTT/PTT) Kota Batu, Subagyo mengaku tidak mendengar informasi tersebut. “Secara organisasi, saya tidak mendengar adanya permintaan uang sebesar Rp 20 juta bagi GTT yang ingin menjadi PNS,” kata Subagyo.

Menurutnya, kalau yang diminta adalah orang per orang, itu persoalan individu bukan lagi menyangkut organisasi. “Saya hanya meminta setiap GTT untuk lebih berhati-hati,” singkat Subagyo. All rights reserved, written by Drs. Asep Dewan, SH
Friday, August 5, 2011

Presiden Belum Setujui Penutupan Lowongan CPNS

Keputusan pemerintah untuk menutup sementara lowongan kerja calon pegawai negeri sipil (CPNS) sudah bulat. Keputusan itu hanya tinggal menunggu Keputusan Presiden (Keppres).

Diakui oleh Menteri Dalam Negeri Gamawan Fauzi, keputusan moratoium perekrutan PNS itu akan segera diberlakukan jelang 2012 jika sudah disetujui Presiden.

"Yah, mudah-mudahan, sedang dilakukan kajian mendalam itu, tapi berlakunya mungkin setelah ada keputusanlah dari Presiden," katanya saat ditanya wartawan di kantor Presiden, Jumat (15/7/2011).

Keputusan itu, kata Gamawan, akan disetujui Presiden jika sudah difinasilasi di tingkat staf khusus Presiden. "Sekarang sedang dalam pembahasan secara mendalam dari undang-undang, peraturan, dan segala macam data kepegawaian," katanya.

Mengingat sudah banyak daerah yang mengusulkan calon pegawai baru, kata Gamawan, keputusan ini akan segera diambil agar tidak ada pegawai baru dulu. "Mengingat sudah banyak daerah yang mengusulkan calon pegawai baru," tandasnya.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Download Latihan Bahasa Inggris Cpns

According to the State Personnel Relations Board (BKN) English is one of the test material CPNS test consists of a general nature:
The content of the Indonesian language, English, Tests psychology, and The test of academic potential. Therefore, for prospective participants must try to understand the Cpns test material for an English exam with a lot of good practice, and training materials we submit to you for free on the site this, good luck to take the selection candidates for Civil Servants in 2011.

Educational institutions that use the concept of bilingualism (bilingual) must be fully supported by schools, teachers, and curriculum and teaching methods are appropriate. Otherwise, besides resulting in the academic and student skills, loosening ties to the use of national languages ​​could adversely affect their nationalism.

This was said by Antarina SF Amir, Chairman of the High / Scope Indonesia, Wednesday (13 / 5) yesterday, in a press conference and a seminar on "Dual Language Essentials for Teachers and Administrastors" in Jakarta. The event brings the concept of dual language speaker Dr. David Freeman and Dr. Yvone Freeman, "husband and wife linguistics" of the University of Arizona, USA.

For this reason, added Antarina, wishes of parents equip their children with English language should be cooked with a variety of considerations. In particular, when their favorite target schools that offer the concept. The reason, the concept of bilingualism is not just changing the language of instruction from Indonesian to English.

Antarina said, the application of the concept must be fully supported by schools, teachers, and curriculum and teaching methods are appropriate. "Otherwise, the result could have great impact on the academic side and the skills of students. In addition, there is increasing lack of use of the national language or Indonesia will also be a bad influence on nationalism students to the language of his own mother," said Antarina.

Download Latihan Bahasa Inggris Cpns

  • Download Exercise Bahasa Inggris Cpns Part I (contains 50 practice questions and discussion of quality), please download latihan soal here and solutions here!
  • Download Exercise TBS Bahasa Inggris Part II (contains 50 practice questions and discussion of quality), please download latihan soal here and solutions here!

"Subtractive" and "Additive"

Antarina said, there are several types of methods of teaching English to students whose first language is not English. But generally, an outline of these methods can be classified into two major groups, namely subtractive Additive Programs and Programs.

In subtractive Programs, instruction delivered in English. In this program, it is clear that the first language or Indonesian fully replaced by English as a second language. "With this concept some schools only teach Indonesian in Indonesian language teaching time, because all subjects are given in English," said Antarina.

That would, Antarina have great concern for students as young generation of Indonesia. "Because in English it would be a good student, both in academic and social. Conversely, when the Indonesian language should be limited only to their social language course, because it is often used only as a spoken language only," he said.

The opinion was echoed by Dr. David Freeman. David said his studies in several countries revealed, subtractive method reduces the risk of first-language skills in students.

"Slowly they are getting drowned in a second language and vice versa further away from the mother tongue, as a result they have no pride in our own national language," said David.

Meanwhile, the learning process on Additive Programs conducted in Indonesian and English. "With this method the school can develop students' academic language skills in both languages ​​at once," said Antarina.

Antarina added, encouraged students not only mastered English, but it strengthens the ability of Indonesian language itself. "With this method, English and Indonesian language becomes as important, the quality of students using two languages ​​can be relied upon in both academic and social language," said Antarina.

Based on that, now, said Antarina, High / Scope chose to apply the dual system of language that refers to the Additive Programs such as the learning process of students. It is at once mendapuk High / Scope as the first agency to apply this program in Indonesia.

For such needs, the curriculum is designed in such a way in a single concept or idea of ​​integrated subject matter of several subjects at once.

"One theme we synergize well as of all subjects ranging from science, mathematics, social, English, and Indonesian, it is also to make students not only good in speaking but also other skills," said Antarina.

Download Latihan Bahasa Indonesia Cpns

As the national language and national language, Indonesian language is also tested in the Test Cpns 2011. Really Bahasa Indonesia is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a normative form of the Riau Islands dialect of Malay, an Austronesian language which has been used as a lingua franca in the Indonesian archipelago for centuries.
Indonesia is the fourth most populous nation in the world. Of its large population the number of people who fluently speak Indonesian is fast approaching 100%, thus making Indonesian one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.

Download Latihan Bahasa Indonesia Cpns

  • Download Exercise Bahasa Indonesia Cpns Part I (contains 50 practice questions and discussion of quality), please download latihan soal here and solutions here!
  • Download Exercise TBS Bahasa Indonesia Part II (contains 50 practice questions and discussion of quality), please download latihan soal here and solutions here!

Most Indonesians, aside from speaking the national language, are often fluent in another regional language (examples include Javanese, Minangkabau and Sundanese) which are commonly used at home and within the local community. Most formal education, as well as nearly all national media and other forms of communication, are conducted in Indonesian. In East Timor, which was an Indonesian province from 1975 to 1999, Indonesian is recognised by the constitution as one of the two working languages (the other is English, alongside the official languages of Tetum and Portuguese).
The Indonesian name for the language is Bahasa Indonesia (literally "the language of Indonesia"). This term can sometimes still be found in written or spoken English.

Download Latihan Tes Kemampuan Umum Cpns

General Knowledge Test (Tes Kemampuan Umum) group consists of the following elements:
Ideology Pancasila and the Constitution of 1945, Political (System Administration of the Republic of Indonesia, Central and Local Government System, Political Affairs, Foreign Policy), Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, defense, and law.

One of the most important and basic materials tested in the test questions is a matter of Pancasila cpns & Constitution. Pancasila is the legitimate basis of the Indonesian state and the Constitution is the highest constitution upon which state. Each prospective civil servants should have a good understanding of the existence and basic function of the Pancasila and the Constitution. The main requirement of the nation's employees (civil servants) must surely have a good understanding of Pancasila and the Constitution. Therefore, you should seriously learn to master the material so that the Pancasila and the Constitution.

Download Latihan Tes Kemampuan Umum Cpns

  • Download Exercise Tes Kemampuan Umum Cpns Part I (contains 50 practice questions and discussion of quality), please download latihan soal here and solutions here!
  • Download Exercise Tes Kemampuan Umum Part II (contains 50 practice questions and discussion of quality), please download latihan soal here and solutions here!
Based on our observations, during the last 10 years, the number of Pancasila & Constitution in the matter of CPNS test is quite large. Ie in the range of 20% (20 questions from the entire 100 questions). Thus, mastery of English material is very important for you as an applicant CPNS enhancer factor points to compete with other applicants.

A team of experts about CPNS has conducted in-depth and thorough research on Pancasila & Constitution materials tested in the test CPNS during the last ten years. Based on these studies, we have succeeded in presenting to you the essence of the questions Pancasila & Constitution that appears most frequently. Core material (major points) of about CPNS Pancasila & Constitution, among others, includes the history surrounding the formation of Pancasila and the Constitution, Status of Pancasila and the Constitution as the state philosophy and ideology. The meaning of Pancasila, the Contents of articles of the Constitution, the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution and several other core materials. The entire material has an certain patterns that you can learn to carefully and efficiently.

Exciting news for you, the registrant CPNS. Alhamdulillah Our team is proud to enrichment lessons CPNS Pancasila & the Constitution (the Constitution) 2011. The materials we have developed based on a general lattice CPNS.

Download Latihan Tes Bakat Skolastik Cpns

Type of Test or Scholastic Talent TBS prospective students often tested against S2 (Strata 2) or S3 (Strata 3), and even tested on the test CPNS (Candidate for Civil Servants). Among high school students / MA type of exam is tested on SNMPTN landfill.
Eye Exam Test Scholastic Talent or TBS is in general a standard test to compare one individual with another individual objectively. A person who has a high enough potential, if he is given a test in a foreign language that he did not know, it's nearly impossible to do it.

Download Latihan Tes Bakat Skolastik Cpns

  • Download Exercise TBS Cpns Part I (contains 50 practice questions and discussion of quality), please download latihan soal here and solutions here!
  • Download Exercise TBS Cpns Part II (contains 50 practice questions and discussion of quality), please download latihan soal here and solutions here!

Generally TBS or Scholastic Talent Test is a test material that aims to measure:
Verbal Ability

Verbal subtest is the sub title of the verbal test synonyms, antonyms (opposite words), analogical, and reading test papers.
Quantitative ability

Quantitative subtest or test number. This subtest consists of a test series of numbers, serial letters, problem solving, simple arithmetic, simple algebra, trigonometry and simple.
Reasoning Ability

The third subtest is a test Logical / Analytical / Reasoning. This subtest consists of tests of verbal logic, simple logic, and logic test number.

Try not to indulge your curiosity on a particular matter. This is very dangerous. The curiosity of a particular problem (usually occurs in matters numerical or numbers) make time to work on the problems you drained it. Not to mention your energy is also reduced significantly. Plus emotions will also rise, if it is then you fail to find the answer. Remember that every item about TBS has the same weight value. So do not waste time just to indulge your curiosity is.

Practice questions Scholastic Talent Test as much as possible. And obey the time limits in the existing work on TBS. It is important to familiarize yourself working quickly resolve such questions. If you do not comply with these time limits, you'll get used to doing it with ease and in a long time. If this happens, then when you actually do the problem TBS, then you'll have trouble setting the time. Exercise TBS problems as much as possible will make you familiar with various types and models of matter. Your analysis in doing such questions will also increase along with the many exercises you do.

Latihan Soal Cpns 2011

Seleksi Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) untuk tahun 2011 berdasarkan keketapan Resmi Kemenpan tetap diadakan dengan formasi atau kuota sekitar sekitar 200 Ribu orang. Besaran kuota CPNS yang ditetapkan tersebut hampir sama dengan tahun 2010 lalu atau sekitar 200 ribu PNS. Menteri PAN dan RB, EE Mangindaan mengatakan, dari jumlah itu akan ikut direkrut para honorer daerah.
Diharapkan 2012 mendatang penerimaan CPNS sudah akan masuk pada zero growth. Itu dapat dilakukan bila para honorer daerah sudah terakomodir semuanya.

Perhelatan Akbar Tes Cpns 2011 Penerimaannya bakal digelar bulan September 2011. Karena itu, Kemenpan mengharapkan agar seluruh instansi baik pusat maupun daerah diharapkan sudah bisa menyiapkan estimasi rincian formasi kebutuhan CPNS. Hal ini dimaksudkan agar target jadwal penerimaan CPNS bisa terealisasi. Kami pun para pengelola situs menyarankan kepada para peserta Seleksi CPns agar mempersiapkan diri sebaiknya baik persiapan latihan Soal maupun adminsitratif lainnya. Tim kami dengan bangga memberikan suatu model latihan soal yang sangat baik untuk persiapan seleksi Cpns 2011/2012. Latihan Soal Cpns 2011 ini untuk sementara terdiri dari 5 (lima) mata ujian yang terdiri dari :

Bahasa Indonesia

Kami berikan 2 (dua) paket soal dan pembahasannya yang berisi sekitar 100 (soal) latihan. Selengkapnya bisa Anda download dan pelajari disini silakan!

Tes Bakat Skolastik

Kami berikan 2 (dua) paket soal dan pembahasannya yang berisi sekitar 100 (soal) latihan. Selengkapnya bisa Anda download dan pelajari disini silakan!

Bahasa Inggris

Kami berikan 2 (dua) paket soal dan pembahasannya yang berisi sekitar 100 (soal) latihan. Selengkapnya bisa Anda download dan pelajari disini silakan!

Tes Kemampuan Umum

Kami berikan 2 (dua) paket soal dan pembahasannya yang berisi sekitar 100 (soal) latihan. Selengkapnya bisa Anda download dan pelajari disini silakan!

Tes psikologi

Latihan psikologi masih kami proses, mohon bersabar!

Materi Latihan Soal Cpns 2011 berusaha kami sesuaikan dengan peraturan yang tertuang dalam Pasal 21 ayat 4 RUU tentang Pokok-pokok Kepegawaian Negara. Disebutkan juga dalam tes seleksi CPNS terdiri dari dua tahap, yaitu yang bersifat umum dan khusus.

Menurut keterangan Humas BKN tersebut bahwa materi tes seleksi yang bersifat umum terdiri dari :

  • Materi bahasa Indonesia,
  • Bahasa Inggris,
  • Tes psikologi, dan
  • Tes potensi akademik.

Tenaga Honorer Jadi Prioritas PNS

Pemerintah memastikan akan menerapkan moratorium pegawai negeri sipil (PNS) tahun ini. Dengan begitu,hanya tenaga honorer yang berkesempatan diangkat jadi PNS.

Menteri Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara (PAN)/Reformasi Birokrasi (RB) EE Mangindaan mengatakan, sebagian tenaga honorer yang masuk sebelum 2005 akan diprioritaskan untuk diangkat menjadi PNS.

“Moratorium tetap, tapi honorer pengecualian.Pokoknya honorer yang paling lama 2005. Jadi sebelum 2005, itu yang kita angkat yang memenuhi syarat. Sesudah itu tidak ada honorer lagi,” tutur Mangindaan setelah menghadiri sidang kabinet terbatas bidang politik,hukum,dan keamanan di Kantor Presiden kemarin.

Sebagaimana diketahui, pengangkatan tenaga honorer sebelumnya sudah diputuskan tuntas akhir 2010.Namun akibat verifikasi data yang belum tuntas, masih tersisa 60.000-an lebih tenaga honorer yang belum diangkat.

Kendati memprioritaskan tenaga honorer,lanjut Mangindaan, pihaknya akan memperketat seleksi.Tenaga honorer tetap harus mengikuti sejumlah persyaratan, seperti ujian saringan. Menurut dia,pengangkatan persoalan tenaga honorer akan diselesaikan dengan terlebih dahulu membenahi peraturan terkait seperti UU 43 Tahun 1999 tentang Kepegawaian.

Pengangkatan tenaga honorer tersebut juga masih menunggu proses verifikasi lebih lanjut serta mempertimbangkan besarnya anggaran aparatur yang harus dikeluarkan pemerintah. “Jumlah kita belum berani putuskan karena masih diverifikasi, karena menyangkut formasi. Tidak asal angkat. Kita harus sesuaikan juga bagaimana kesiapan daerah,” paparnya.

Permasalahan pengangkatan tenaga honorer menjadi pembahasan khusus dalam rapat terbatas bidang polhukam kemarin. Dalam kata pengantarnya,Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) mengatakan bahwa pihaknya akan segera memutuskan rancangan peraturan pemerintah (PP) tentang pengangkatan tenaga honorer menjadi PNS dan rancangan peraturan pemerintah tentang pegawai tidak tetap.

“Kedua hal ini merupakan isu yang menjadi perhatian banyak kalangan. Solusi yang mesti kita ambil pertama-tama harus dihitung cermat berapa kebutuhan pegawai negeri. Kita persyaratkan kapabilitas yang dimiliki pegawai negeri kita agar mereka betul-betul jadi penggerak birokrasi,” paparnya.

Presiden SBY menambahkan, pengangkatan tenaga honorer menjadi PNS menjadi hal yang sangat penting bagi sebagian orang karena menyangkut harapan besar mereka. “Menjadi pengawai negeri adalah harapan tinggi cita-cita dan juga idaman. Mari kita sekali lagi pastikan peraturannya benar, sistemnya tepat, manajemen, dan pengelolaannya yang baik,” tandas presiden.

Deputi Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) dan Aparatur Kemenpan dan RB Ramli Naibaho mengatakan, pengangkatan tenaga kerja honorer tinggal menunggu PP-nya yang masih dalam tahap penjadwalan untuk pembahasan di Kemenko Polhukam untuk selanjutnya dipaparkan kepada presiden.

”Jadi, pemerintah sepakat semua itu akan diangkat. Posisinya (RPP) dalam tahap pembahasan antara kita dengan Menkopolhukam. Sementara dengan Menteri Hukum dan HAM sudah harmonisasi,’’ jelasnya. All rights reserved, written by Drs. Asep Dewan, SH
Bank Soal (Ujian Tulis) © 2011 Grade science & World Sharings. Supported by Google docs viewer

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